Hurricane and Severe Weather Information  


In the event of a 天气 event and campus closure announcement, students should follow guidance of campus communications. 在大多数情况下,根据应急管理官员的指导,宿舍将继续对住宿学生开放. 

之前, 在, 暴风雨过后, 我们鼓励您查看大学的网站,了解课程和活动的更新和取消. You should check the website for the date that classes will resume. 学校将使用电子邮件通知您取消课程并重新开放大学.  


Preparing for Severe Weather 

你将负责收集你自己的补给,并为风暴做准备. During the storm, the University may lose power or water. Conditions may be uncomfortable until amenities are restored. Please prepare accordingly with the recommendations below: 

  • Secure enough water for your consumption and use. It is recommended you have 2 gallons per person per day. 
  • 购买不易腐坏的食品以备不时之需. 只要有可能, 如果紧急时间预计超过24小时,将开放食品服务设施或为校内居民提供食品.  
  • Get a flashlight with extra batteries. 如遇停电,学校将不向学生提供手电筒. 蜡烛是 permitted, as they are especially hazardous in inclement 天气 situations. 
  • 手提电脑及手提电话应在热带天气来临前充满电. 如果你想让你的手机或平板电脑在没有电的时候充电, we recommend purchasing a portable power bank. 请注意,由于天气原因,互联网和手机服务可能会中断. 
  • Fill your vehicle gas tank (if applicable). If you have a vehicle but are 不 using it to travel to a不her destination, 移动并将您的车辆停放在两个停车甲板设施中的一个,并设置紧急刹车并停放. All windows should be closed and the vehicle locked. If unable to park in a parking deck, 不要把车停在树下或其他有掉落物品风险的地方. Vehicles 不 parked in an appropriate parking area, (i.e. 停放在自行车架上的摩托车、停放在装卸区的汽车可能会被移走或拖走,费用由车主承担. 


Preparing Your 住房 Room for Severe Weather 

  • Avoid having items in front of windows. 
  • Computers, TVs, electronics, etc. should be raised off the floor.  Unplug all electronics and other appliances that are 不 needed. 
  • 把地板上的其他个人物品(鞋子、地毯、衣服、盒子、手提箱等)放好.) on top of shelves, beds, or dressers. Place smaller items inside drawers and closets.  
  • Close and lock all windows. 
  • 由于可能会失去权力,你被鼓励丢弃所有易腐烂的食物.  在冰箱底部放一条毛巾是很有用的,这样可以收集冰融化和温度变化带来的水分. 
  • If you leave campus, 请在离开房间或公寓前清除所有垃圾,并将其放入适当的容器中处理. 
  • If you leave campus, turn lights off. 
  • 如果你离开校园,我们鼓励你带一些有感情和金钱价值的物品(如.e. photos, keepsakes, electronics, jewelry, money) with you. 
  • If you leave campus, lock your door and take your key with you. 
  • If you leave campus, 把空调和暖气调到合适的温度,以便在你回来时使用(例如:在温暖的天气), 将温度设置在低至72度,这样当电力恢复时建筑物可以迅速冷却). 


What To Do During Severe Weather 

  • 如果你选择离开校园,你应该计划在大学通讯建议的最早时间这样做. 你不应该在恶劣天气的方向旅行,你不应该在恶劣天气开始时离开. Be realistic about the time it might take to travel to a new location. 在恶劣天气下, 旅行将会花费更长的时间,沿途的宝贵资源,如燃料可能会受到限制.  
  • 为了我们学生和第一反应机构的安全, you are advised to stay indoors 在 inclement 天气. 紧急响应机构可能无法在恶劣天气条件下响应您的需求. 还要注意,在风暴过去后,树枝和树木可能会继续倒下. 请不要离开建筑物,直到大学宿舍工作人员允许离开. 
  • The main University 住房 office will close when the University closure takes effect; however, 专业的住宿工作人员和学生宿舍工作人员将在每个前台管理恶劣天气协议,并在风暴期间监测居住条件. 
  • 设施工作人员将随时监测风暴和建筑物的物理状况.  If you see damage to a building, please report it to the HEART staff. Staff will be on hand to work on the issue once it is safe. Stay out of flooded areas, as they may be extremely dangerous (i.e. energized by downed power lines).  
  • In the event of a power outage, 佐治亚州电力公司将得到通知,并将尽一切努力尽快恢复供电. 
  • Please 不e, all University policies remain in effect 在 the closure. 大学宿舍的学生将对关闭期间发生的不当行为负责. 
  • 在安全的情况下,学校将为恶劣天气期间住校的学生提供有限的餐饮. 如果停电了, dining options will be items such as sandwiches, 水果, 芯片, 还有一杯饮料,可以在每个宿舍的前台分发.  
  • 此外,在校园关闭期间,客人不允许进入宿舍. 非居民必须离开大楼,在大学正式重新开放之前不得重新进入. 
  • Report all accidents, injuries, broken windows or excessive water toHEART团队. 

Tornado/Flooding Information: 

  • 众所周知,飓风的东侧除了强风和大雨之外,还可能产生龙卷风的威胁. 
  • In the event of a tornado warning, remaining residents should 掩体就位 away from exterior walls, doors, and windows as follows:  
    • 朗兹, 帕特森, 里德·霍尔斯应该关上门搬进一楼的走廊.  
    • 霍珀和乔治亚宿舍的学生应该远离窗户去洗手间,并关上套房的门.  
    • Students in Centennial Hall should move to the bathrooms with doors closed. 
  • 虽然不太可能, in the event of flooding, 较高楼层的居民将被要求允许留在一楼的学生进入,因为一楼的空间受到洪水的影响. 如果发生洪水,请联系HEART小组,并在二楼或更高的地方寻求庇护. 


Important Information Resources 

  • HEART MOBILE NUMBER 229.375.3482 
  • 瓦尔多斯塔 State Email
  • 瓦尔多斯塔.edu网站
  • Twitter: @valdostastate 
  • Instagram: @valdostastate and @blazerdining 
  • Facebook: 瓦尔多斯塔 State University and Blazer 餐厅 
  • Blazer Guardian Rave App: 
  • 朗兹 County CodeRED Alerts: Text 朗兹EMA to 99411 
  • Georgia Emergency Management Agency:页面/违约.aspx 
  • NOAA Doppler Radar: http://radar.天气.gov /