

答:你应该通过查看我们的本科招生和研究生招生网页上列出的领域/学位课程来决定你想要的教学领域. 审查入学标准,以确定您是否符合要求或需要完成入学评估. 你可以联系你申请认证的领域的项目教师专家,他/她可以为你的下一步申请项目提供额外的指导. 这些信息可以在学位课程信息页面上找到.

VSU Undergraduate Admissions webpage: http://bbfyys.shicel.com/admissions/undergraduate/

VSU Graduate Admissions webpage: http://bbfyys.shicel.com/academics/graduate-school/

Georgia's Becoming a Georgia Educator webpage: http://www.gapsc.com/ProspectiveEducator/ProspectiveEducator.aspx

Q: What if I'm seeking my first teaching certificate?

答:学位持有者——如果你选择完成一个学位课程,并获得学士学位水平的初始教师认证,你必须作为第二个本科学位学生申请. 如果你只是在硕士水平的课程中寻求认证,那么你必须向研究生院申请,从而获得初步的教师或服务认证. (NOTE: After completing all content prerequisite coursework, 希望在初中或中学教育领域获得认证的个人必须通过研究生院申请并被MAT项目录取.你应该向你想要的专业的相关部门查询有关认证计划的信息. However, 这两条路线都要求你通过GACE课程入学评估(或豁免)和适当的GACE内容评估.


A:这取决于第一个学位课程和想要的教学证书. For example, the difference between an applied math degree and a secondary mathematics teaching certificate is primarily the professional education component; but if the first degree was in accounting, then the difference (and needed credit hours) would be much greater. In Elementary Education, 获得第二学位所需的学时数与完成认证课程所需的学时数几乎没有差别.


A: The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.)学位课程要求完成研究生教育课程并获得硕士学位.A.T. degree and teacher certification at a level 5 Georgia certification. 

问:如果我已经有了教师证书,并且希望增加另一个领域, must I do it as an undergraduate student?

A: It depends on the field you wish to add. For example, 持有专业教学证书的教师如果想要完成批准的课程并将幼儿教育添加到他们的教学证书中,必须完成由本科课程组成的后学士学位课程, field experiences, and clinical practice. 然而,图书馆/媒体的必修课程和实习在研究生阶段完成. 以将媒体专家证书添加到现有证书中, 教育工作者必须至少持有硕士学位(或完成硕士学位,从而获得媒体专家认证), e.g.(教育硕士学位,教学技术/图书馆媒体方向).

Q: I want to be certified as quickly as possible. Which teaching field should I pursue?

A: This is a frequent question, 但是,如果没有对你已完成的学位和后续课程的回顾,就无法回答这个问题. Teaching is a professional commitment; you should pursue the field that you have the most interest in and the one in which you have the strongest desire to teach.


答:在课程完成时申请认证的完整说明可以找到 here.

Q:  How will I receive my certificate once GaPSC issues it?

A: Your certificate, once issued by GaPSC, will be sent to your MyPSC account, from which you may print an official copy.


A: Educator certification is regulated at the state level; therefore, 每个州对成为一名教育者都有不同的规定和要求.  Georgia has signed the Interstate Agreement (NASDTEC); you should contact the Licensure or Certification office for the state in which you are interested in seeking certification to determine the specific licensure requirements for that state. 

Many states require, as part of their application packet, some type of College or Institutional Verification form, 哪些必须由完成州外项目的机构的认证官员完成.  如果您在365bet中文完成了批准的教育工作者准备课程,并且需要提交类似的表格作为您在另一个州的州外认证申请的一部分, 您可以将表格转发给杜瓦教育与人类服务学院的专业教育服务部门, Attn: Certification, 1500 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA 31698, for completion.

有关格鲁吉亚州际互惠要求的更多信息,请点击 here.