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  • 在这门课之前, I had hardly been exposed to Art History, and now I have chosen to pursue my PhD in Art History to one day become a professor. 根据我的经验, this class can be a lot to handle, but using the right study methods and focusing on understanding the art (not just memorizing) can make the information easier to analyze and appreciate.
  • 课程: 分2122
  • Biology主持人

  • 你好, I'm 比比ismay. I am a Biology major, and I watch anime or sketch some cool stuff in my free time.
  • 课程: 杂志1107年
  • 雅各布·亚当斯
  • 你好,我是雅各布·亚当斯. I’m a fun and entertaining person. That loves to fish and the outdoors. My pal sessions are filled with fun and games that make learning easy and enjoyable.
  • 课程: 杂志3200年
  • 西格顿茱莉亚
  • I am a Biology major with a concentration in Pre-Medicine and a minor in Chemistry. I am studying to become an Orthopedic surgeon . In my free time, I love to read and do portrait paintings.
  • 课程: 杂志1107年
  • Chemistry主持人

  • My name is 卡尔顿弗朗西斯. I am a senior chemistry major that facilitates for chem 1200. I am also the VP of a club on campus called SMACS or the Student members of the American chemical society.
  • 课程: Chemistry1200
  • 计算机科学 Facilitator

  • 我叫莱斯利, and I am graduating in December of 2024 with my BS in 计算机科学, 辅修Math, and a Data Science certificate. I have been tutoring CS 1302 for 1 year, and am now facilitating the class. If you need help understanding the material, come to my weekly sessions!
  • 课程: CS 1302
  • 地理主持人

    Julan Leinbaugh
  • Senior, majoring in Applied Economics and minoring in Operations Management and Aerospace Studies. Private pilot of over 3 years, training and daily flying includes a strong proficiency in all topics weather related. Upon graduation in May 2025, immediate commission into the USAF.
  • 课程: 地理的1112
  • History的推动者

  • 嘿! 我叫阿比盖尔. I am earning my dual degree in Secondary Education and History. I became a PAL so that I can spread my knowledge and passion for history while helping others in the process! I have Facilitated for this class since Fall 2022!
  • 课程: 嘘2112
  • Math主持人

  • I am a junior, my major is computer science and minor in mathematics. I facilitate for Math2261 (Calculus 1)
  • 课程: Math2261
  • Music主持人

  • 你好! My name is Alysia (uh-lee-see-uh) and I am a violin performance major here at bet365亚洲官网! I teach for the South Georgia Sting Project (SGSP), Valdosta Performing Arts (VAPA), and privately. I currently perform with the Valdosta Symphony Orchestra (VSO), 瓦尔多斯塔国家歌剧院, Valdosta State 社区 Orchestra (VSCO), 作为一个独奏家. I love to read, practice, skate, work out, listen to music, and to help the community! I am so excited to work with and support the students of 1011年Music!
  • 课程: 1011年Music
  • 凯文华雷斯
  • My name is 凯文华雷斯 from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I am a Music Performance Major specialized in piano and organ. I am an active performer giving an approximate of fifteen recitals per semester. I love studying musicology, making Music History one of my favorite subjects to learn and share about!
  • 课程: 4451年Music
  • Psychology的主持人

  • My name is 德瑞德。琼斯 and I currently facilitate for Dr. Browne's Experimental Psychology class. 在我们的疗程中, we discuss and review the course content, help to create and outline the experiment for the class, and help with the main paper. I do my best to turn a perceived difficult class into an easy one!
  • 课程: 3600年Psychology
  • 林赛的火花
  • I took the course I facilitate back in the fall of 2023, and this will be my second semester facilitating for Statistical Methods in Psychology. I am a senior in the psychology program as well as Psychology Club president!
  • 课程: 3500年Psychology
  • M 'Lynn溪
  • 你好, my name is M 'Lynn溪 I am a senior here at Valdosta State University, majoring in Psychology and Minoring in English. I took this class in the fall of my junior year and facilitated this class in the spring of my junior year and I am excited to continue throughout my senior year.
  • 课程: 3500年Psychology