关于 the Library's 数字标牌

  • Serves as a way to advertise library events, services, resources, and space.
  • Other campus departments and organizations may also submit signs for display.
  • Library digital signage may not be used for explicitly commercial or personal purposes

Agreement Terms for Campus Signage

数字标牌 in •奥德姆库 is a shared campus resource.  Contributors must agree by the terms listed below:

  • Content displayed on •奥德姆库 digital signage must be in direct support of an official bet365亚洲官网  event, service or academic activity.
  • There will be no commercial or personal messages displayed on •奥德姆库 digital signage.
  • Length of time for content to be displayed will be seven days. Request to extend the rotation of content will be allowed for an extended seven days.
  • Content found to be offensive or non-supportive of bet365亚洲官网’s mission statement will not be allowed to be displayed.
  • 数字标牌 in •奥德姆库 will be used to display dangerous weather and safety warnings in coordination with the office of Public Safety and Environmental Safety


提交 must be made at least 1 week in advance of posting.

学术部门, Division of 学生事务,  Student Organizations,  and Office of Communication


  • Any person or organization not affiliated Valdosta State University must be sponsored by a Valdosta State University department or school in order to have their content displayed on the digital signage.

Technical Guidelines and Specifications

Accepted Sign Dimensions for Images and Video

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels (Landscape orientation)

Accepted Formats at this time

  • Image:PNG (preferred), TIF, GIF, JPEG, BMP


  • 字体大小18 或更大


If creating digital signs in 演示文稿 you must:

  • 使用我们的 演示文稿 Template: 版本1, 版本2, or 版本3 ( default landscape dimensions in PPT are compatible with digital signage and will  be accepted)
  • Save and submit your PPT slide(s) as images to ensure correct formatting and fonts

Suggestions for Creating Content

  • Keep content brief and to the point: what, who, when, where, how.
  • Limit to one announcement, event, or feature per slide.
  • Put a headline on each slide.
  • Balance text and graphics.
  • Minimal text is best and can be paired with interesting/colorful/high impact graphics.
  • Heavier text should be paired with simple graphics.
  • Outlining text helps it stand out against the background.
  • Remember that slides display for only seconds and people view them in passing


•奥德姆库 adheres to the copyright policy set forth by the USG Board of Regents. Using someone else's photos, fonts, songs, etc. without permission is a violation of copyright.

  • Always look for license or copyright information.
  • Lack of information does not imply permission.
  • Use only media that has availability and restrictions clearly posted.
  • Obtain permissions from the legal owner when necessary.
  • Avoid media that uses celebrities, book/movie/game characters, non-bet365亚洲官网 logos, etc.
  • 考虑使用 知识共享 to help you find media that meets copyright guidelines.
  • Create your own media content. You own the copyright.

From Stanford University Copyright and Fair Use:

 “Assume It's Protected: As a general rule, it is wise to operate under the assumption that all works are protected by either copyright or trademark law unless conclusive information indicates otherwise. A work is not in the public domain simply because it has been posted on the Internet (a popular fallacy) or if it lacks a copyright notice (another myth).”

Copyright and Fair Use Overview - Stanford