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Three bet365亚洲官网 Students Awarded Gilman Study Abroad 奖学金

Pictured, from left to right, are Blanca A. "Suzi" Hernandez, Ja'Marrius T. "Jay" Thomas, and Gabrielle M. 罗德里格斯.

VALDOSTA — 本杰明·A. Gilman International Scholarship Program awarded more than 1,来自358所美国高校的100名本科生资助即将到来的暑期出国留学.

大约6%的受助人在格鲁吉亚的公立或私立高等教育机构学习, 在这些人中, three are students at Valdosta State University.  

布兰卡一. “苏茜”埃尔南德斯

苏茜埃尔南德斯, 22, 的Moultrie, 将花费34天, from June 24 to July 27, 在加的斯, 西班牙, 她将在哪里进行降低阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停风险的卫生保健措施研究, as well as volunteer with the Spanish Red Cross and a local hospital.

“I have always wanted to go to 西班牙, and I have always wanted to study abroad, 但我从来没有想过这是可能的,因为我没有足够的资金来做这样的事情,她是2010年科尔奎特县高中毕业生,也是达纳·奥尔维拉和罗伯特·埃尔南德斯的女儿. “I cannot believe that it is going to happen; 我要走了 to spend the summer studying in 西班牙.”

埃尔南德斯是弗吉尼亚州立大学护理专业的五年级学生,他发现了本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金项目,就在她生命中最糟糕的日子之后不久. She wrecked her car while traveling to Nashville for her first clinical experience; her only means of transportation, which she had recently paid in full, was deemed a total loss. 她担心自己没有钱去西班牙留学,因为她在TJ Maxx工作挣的钱现在不得不用来买另一辆车. With tears in her eyes, she discussed her personal situation with Dr. 维多利亚一个. 罗素和博士. 阿道夫•C. 卡贝略港, 该大学现代与古典语言系西班牙语助理教授. They encouraged her to apply for the scholarship.

Hernandez received word in late April that she had been awarded $3,500.

“The first thing I did when I found out that I had won was go visit Dr. 罗素和博士. 卡贝略港 and tell them in person and thank them,” she shared. “They edited all of my papers, told me specific things I should include, helped me with the whole, 漫长的过程. 因为这是国家奖学金,我并不指望能赢,但我充满了希望.”

埃尔南德斯预计将于2015年5月从弗吉尼亚州立大学毕业,获得护理学学士学位, 辅修西班牙语, and a Spanish for Professionals certificate. 她的梦想是在一家地区医院的重症监护室工作,并最终攻读高级学位,成为一名执业护士或注册麻醉师护士. 

“我一直想做两件事——帮助别人,把西班牙语融入我的个人和职业生活,因为这是我的传统,”她说。. “My dad came to the United States from Guatemala knowing no English; I’ve known other people like that. The language barrier can be very difficult to overcome, and I want to be able to help those people in a health care environment.” 

JA 'MARRIUS T. “周杰伦”托马斯

Jay Thomas, 20, of Augusta, will celebrate his 21st birthday on July 13 在加的斯, 西班牙, where he 将花费34天 studying the Spanish language, 研究预防和治疗皮肤感染的一般做法, and interning with the Spanish Red Cross and a local hospital.

“I have never been to 西班牙 before,他2011年毕业于西区高中(Westside High School),是亚特兰大的托尼夸·肖(Toniqua Shaw)和皮卡尤恩的马林·托马斯(Marlin Thomas)的儿子, 小姐. “In fact, I have never had the opportunity to travel overseas. 这超出了我的想象,绝对超出了我的预期. 我很兴奋.”


托马斯是365bet中文(Valdosta State University)护理专业的大三学生,他获得了本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金项目将于6月24日至7月27日在西班牙度过夏季. 他认为. 维多利亚一个. 罗素和博士. 阿道夫•C. 卡贝略港, 该大学现代与古典语言系西班牙语助理教授, 我竭尽所能帮助他获得资金,完成一生难得的学术和文化机会.

“I remember going to the library, 打开我的邮件, and seeing ‘congratulations’ on the left-hand side of the screen,他说. 我又看了一遍. I thought it was too early to be getting an announcement about the scholarship. I opened the email and stared at it. The first thing I thought was, ‘Thank God.“如果没有奖学金,我认为我现在不可能出国留学. I didn’t think I was going to be able to afford the trip. I had been so nervous and was panicking, working as much as possible at Convergys to make payments on the trip, but I did not know how I was going to be able to make the last payment. I was doing it all on my own. 当我读到那封邮件时,我松了一口气,心想:“这是真的. 我要走了. There is no turning back.’”

托马斯预计将于2016年5月从弗吉尼亚州立大学毕业,获得护理学学士学位, a Spanish for Professionals certificate, and a minor in music; he played the cello in high school and also enjoys singing. 他的最终目标是考上医学院,成为一名心胸外科医生.

“That has always been my dream,他说. “Growing up, I never really thought about doing anything else. 我相信这次留学经历会帮助我到达我想要的地方.”

加布里埃尔·米. 罗德里格斯

Gabrielle 罗德里格斯, 20, embarked on her first overseas adventure on May 13. She will spend four weeks in the Czech 代表ublic, where she will study child psychology, 变态心理学, and the country’s unique history and culture. She will return to the United States on June 9.

“I’m kind of nervous, but I’m also excited,” said the 2011 graduate of Lakeside High School in DeKalb County. “I have only been on a plane twice and never over water. I am really excited to travel and experience new cultures. 这应该很有趣.”  

罗德里格斯是365bet中文刑事司法专业的一名大三学生,他了解到本杰明. Gilman International Scholarship Program when she met with Irina McClellan, 他既负责该校的海外留学项目,又担任该校国际交流中心的副主任.

罗德里格斯说:“她给了我所有这些表格,包括一份关于奖学金的表格。. “I saw something about the Gilman and looked it up. It was so much work to apply. I had to write two essays, one talking about my life and why I felt that I deserved the scholarship, another about how I would go about educating others about the Gilman program.”

罗德里格斯解释说,如果没有母亲的帮助,她不可能完成这个过程, 盖恩斯上升, and her writing coach. She learned in late April that she had been awarded $2,500.

“我已经快没钱了,”她说,“而且我已经借了一笔贷款. 得知我获得了奖学金,我终于松了一口气, 让我放松下来,接受我将能够踏上这趟旅程,在捷克共和国度过我的暑假学习和娱乐. 太神奇了.”   

罗德里格斯预计将于2015年5月从弗吉尼亚州立大学毕业,获得刑事司法文学学士学位,辅修心理学. Her goal is to work with troubled youth and possibly further her education. She was born in Austin, Texas, but she considers Loganville to be her home.  


本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金计划向有兴趣从事学术研究或学分的有限经济手段的美国公民提供资助, career-oriented internships abroad at the undergraduate level. 该项目由2000年《bet365亚洲官网》资助,并由美国国务院教育和文化事务局赞助.S. 国务院. It is named in honor of retired U.S. 代表. 本杰明一. 纽约的吉尔曼说, 他在众议院工作了30年,并担任众议院外交关系委员会主席.




