




VALDOSTA - 的 best and brightest at 365bet中文 were honored at the annual Academic Honors Dinner held Thursday 5月1日晚上,在大学中心.

Those 公认的 embody the values and traditions of bet365亚洲官网 and higher 教育. 每个人都获得了荣誉,代表着多年的 dedication and commitment to individual excellence and achievement, 以及父母的承诺,家庭和 朋友.

按照传统,365bet中文每年都会举办一次 学术荣誉日来表彰我们最优秀的学生. 六个 years ago, the Academic Honors and Awards Committee began looking at ways to enhance the ceremony so that honorees and those who contributed to their success could more fully participate in the 正式承认他们的成就. 学术荣誉 Dinner is the result of those efforts, providing a forum for the 是全校最优秀的学生 公认的.

Named after bet365亚洲官网’s first dean of women, the Annie Powe Hopper Award marks the apex of accomplishment in one’s university 职业生涯 and recipients must stand high academically and exemplify the tradition 瓦尔多斯塔州的特质和尊严 与已故的安妮·鲍尔·霍珀有关. 有两个学生 chosen to receive the prestigious Annie Powe Hopper Award this 春天. 梅丽莎·多尔蒂和凯瑟琳·克里姆科.

梅丽莎·多尔蒂, an English teacher at Valdosta High School, was 也很荣幸. 在弗吉尼亚州立大学期间,她保持着3分的成绩.GPA达到96分 作为越野赛队的一员获得了全州的荣誉. 她有 been honored many times during her academic 职业生涯 and plans to 长期教学,始终对学生的生活产生积极影响.

Katheryn Klimko not only received the Annie Powe Hopper Award, but 还有玛加奖,这是该校的另一项最高荣誉. σ 阿尔法气荣誉协会颁发玛加和麦克奖给 优秀的男女毕业生都有表现 academic superiority and participation in at least three campus 组织.

数学专业,成绩3.绩点97,凯瑟琳·克里姆科学习很努力 and received numerous awards and recognition throughout her college 职业生涯. 她与人合著的一篇论文被接受发表 in Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics journal and presented at both bet365亚洲官网’s Math Technology Conference and Mercer University’s 本科 数学研究会议. 一个热心的大志愿者 Brothers Big Sisters, she has also served as a peer tutor at bet365亚洲官网 在S.L. 梅森小学. 毕业后,她 他计划在哈佛大学学习宪法. 亚当 赫伯特是今年的Mac奖得主.

Named for Maria Leonard, founder of Alpha Lambda Delta, the Marie Leonard Book Award is given to the top graduating senior member of 累积GPA最高的机构. Khaleh Thomas, a 化学系大四学生,获此殊荣. 托马斯已经 维持了4分.平均绩点0,同时在Lady上打满了整个职业生涯 开拓者篮球队. 东部会议的成员 championship team in 2005, she was voted the Student Athlete of the Year in 2007 by the NCAA Division II Gulf South Conference and was also a finalist for the Annie Powe Hopper Award, the university’s 学业最高荣誉. 她计划进入医学院学习 法医病理学才能成为法医.

克里斯蒂娜·利·亨特利(Christina Leigh Huntley)是生物学专业的学生,她计划参加 被授予美国医学协会 大学女性奖. 这是给弗吉尼亚州立大学的女毕业生 至少3分.平均成绩5分,表现出智力方面的天赋 growth and leadership through involvement in 组织 and 大学期间的项目经历. 亨特利计划获得一份 他获得了西班牙语的第二个学位,并最终成为一名医生. 在 past year, she was 公认的 by the Georgia Collegiate Honors 委员会.

Named for explorer and scientist William Bartram, the Bartram Award for Intellectual Exploration was presented to William Jake Newsome, 主修历史的大三学生,成绩为3分.平均绩点84,并获得嘉奖 the Student Prize for Excellence in International Studies in 2008 由乔治亚国际研究协会提供. 他已经 demonstrated the skills of intellectual exploration, adventure and competence, remained active in the bet365亚洲官网 Honors Program and has 参加了一门特殊的学术课程. Newsome的 大学的亮点包括出国旅行和演讲 在弗吉尼亚州立大学本科生研究研讨会上进行的研究.

Speech and language pathology major, Ashley Garland, was award the Clare Philips Martin Scholarship, which is given in honor of the 已故总统梅雷图斯. 沃尔特·马丁的妻子克莱尔. 加了 该奖项的GPA和学术标准由持有4分.平均绩点及 remaining active in various campus and community 组织. 她 will graduation in December 2008 and plans to establish a private 实践中,注重幼儿早期干预 孩子们.
的 Division of 体育运动 presents two annual awards to those who 成为最优秀的学生运动员. 高级网球 player Leos Jelinek was honored as the male athlete of the year. An international student who hails from Prague, Czech Republic, he plans to enroll in a Master of Business 政府 program and 我成为了欧洲足球队的经理. 垒球运动员 Kristina Ely was named the Female Student Athlete of the Year. 的 recent recipient of the Health and Physical Education Award for Student Teacher of the Year said she considers her student teaching 体验她大学生涯的亮点之一.

的 Outstanding 艺术学院 Award was presented to senior theatre major Jonathan Able, who held the highest GPA and a record 杰出的部门,学院和大学服务.

的 Outstanding Student in Arts and Sciences award was given to Christopher Parker, based on his demonstrated academic excellence, including scholarship, memberships, honors and GPA, as well as 服务部门、学院和社区.

的 Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award, the highest 该奖项由工商管理学院颁发 presented to business administration major Amanda Orvin, who holds a 3.97年平均绩点. 她是Beta Gamma σ,金钥匙的成员 International Honor Society and σ Alpha Chi and looks forward to applying the skills she has learned at bet365亚洲官网 to a professional 商业生涯.

Presented to the student with the highest GPA of all departments 学院内,教育学院学术水平最高 Achievement Award was given to Mary Gunderson, a Communication 理科专业,4分.平均绩点为0,获得多项荣誉 社会. 她计划今年秋天去弗吉尼亚州立大学读研究生 and become a speech language pathologist who is fluent in Spanish. Gunderson was also the recipient of the Valdosta State Academic 表彰日奖,这让她能够代表 university among the 35 University System of Georgia Institutions at Academic Recognition Day with the State of Georgia’s House of 众议员和州参议院.

Kellie Register received the Outstanding Senior Nursing Student Award, which is presented to the student with the highest GPA, who 还积极参加校园和社区活动,表现如何 领导能力和主动性在临床和 教室设置. 注册期间一直是优秀学生 her tenure at bet365亚洲官网, remaining active in the International Honor 护理学会. 她打算去南乔治亚医院工作 在重症监护室的中心攻读硕士学位 注册麻醉师护士.

的 George Gaumond Master of Library and Information Science Award 给了莎拉·海普勒,4分.0个已经完成全部学习的学生 除了在MLIS项目的学习之外,她还花了很多时间. 她表现出 全面卓越的学术,专业服务和 scholarship, and plans to become an academic librarian specializing 新技术及其在图书馆中的应用.

Cadet Ryan Chapman was honored as the Division of Aerospace Studies 最优秀AS300学员. 这个奖项的获奖者必须积极 对领导有贡献,表现出主动性,良好的判断力; self-confidence, promptness and respect, also showing the ability to adapt to change and possess the highest personal and ethical 标准. 他是物理学专业的大三学生,一直从事物理学研究 numerous service opportunities, serving as a volunteer tutor and 为即将入学的新生提供参观导游等. 他的 future goals include earning a masters degree in his field of study 成为美国空军的一名科学家.
