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bet365亚洲官网 Announces Education-Focused Strategic Alliance with Okefenokee Swamp Park

Dr. 理查德的. Carvajal, president of bet365亚洲官网, signs the Statement of Strategic Alliance, 宣布成立奥克弗诺基沼泽公园和365bet中文教育和培训联盟.


Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge photo by Jay Blanton


Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge photo by Jay Blanton


Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge photo by Jay Blanton


Okefenokee Swamp Park alligator


Okefenokee Swamp Park black bear

瓦尔多斯塔-365bet中文和奥克弗诺基沼泽公园联合起来促进保护, 社区, and collaboration in South Georgia.

The two entities signed a Statement of Strategic Alliance Tuesday afternoon, 宣布成立奥克弗诺基沼泽公园和365bet中文教育和培训联盟.

Dr. 威廉。克拉克, chairman of the Okefenokee Swamp Park Board of Trustees, 被描述为奥克弗诺基沼泽公园和365bet中文教育和培训联盟背后的驱动力. 他说,这种互利的伙伴关系提供了“整合现场经验的绝佳机会”, an authentic education, and the ability to conduct research that takes us all to the next level.”

“我们都知道奥克弗诺基沼泽对南乔治亚州有多重要,”他说. 理查德的. Carvajal, president of bet365亚洲官网. “It is clearly one of our top tourism destinations, and it is both an ecological treasure and a national treasure. 我们很高兴能与奥克弗诺基沼泽公园合作,因为我们利用我们的集体智慧和创新来保护我们地区的自然历史和自然奇观, 促进终身学习,促进个人和社会福祉, 并为南乔治亚州的经济和社区发展做出贡献.”

“We are South Georgia’s institution of higher education, and what happens in this region matters to us,他补充道.

bet365亚洲官网 and the Okefenokee Swamp have several things in common. Both are committed to:


• improving the quality of life of all who call South Georgia home; and


“这不仅将为bet365亚洲官网的学生,也将为整个国家的学生提供良好的教育机会,U说。.S. Representative Buddy C艺术er, District 1. “We appreciate this. This is the kind of thing hopefully we will see more of in the future.”

bet365亚洲官网 already has a couple of Okefenokee Swamp-related projects in progress.

迈克尔Lusk, manager of Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, 最近联系了弗吉尼亚州立大学的南乔治亚地区影响中心,请求协助制定一个全面的营销计划,为奥克弗诺基沼泽的三个主要入口-奥克弗诺基沼泽公园, 斯蒂芬·C. Foster State Park in Fargo, and Suwannee Canal 娱乐 Area in Folkston.

达雷尔摩尔, executive director of the Center for South Georgia Regional Impact, 据校方表示,目前正在甄别市场营销各学科的学生, 艺术, 大众媒体, and others — for this project, which will kick off this fall under the guidance of Dr. Leisa Flynn, head of bet365亚洲官网’s Dep艺术ment of Marketing and International Business.

“与弗吉尼亚州立大学的合作是一个难得的机会,可以推进奥克弗诺基沼泽公园的使命,提供生态旅游和环境教育,激发人们对野生动物的欣赏, 文化, and natural beauty of the ‘Land of the Trembling E艺术h,’” said Kim Bednarek, executive director of Okefenokee Swamp Park in 克菲. “我们期待着与bet365亚洲官网的学生和教师合作,策划一项战略营销计划,以增加奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区每个入口的访问量,并最终增加对南乔治亚州和福克斯顿城市的经济影响。, 克菲, 和银行.  This unified effort will serve to benefit all the counties, 城市, 企业, and organizations in the Okefenokee region.”

“奥克弗诺基沼泽公园很高兴与弗吉尼亚州立大学合作,共同努力推进我们的使命,加强关于这个令人难以置信的生态系统及其文化历史的生态教育,” Clark added. “我们都希望并期待我们的合作将带来更多的参观,甚至对奥克弗诺基沼泽的生物和生物多样性有更有意义的了解.” 

Lusk还联系了bet365亚洲官网的南乔治亚地区影响中心,为福克斯顿市中心设计一幅壁画. Moore said Evelyn Davis-Walker, a professor in bet365亚洲官网’s Dep艺术ment of Art and Design, 今年夏天,她的一个学生开始了这个项目的设计阶段.

卡瓦哈尔说,奥克弗诺基沼泽公园和365bet中文教育和培训联盟与弗吉尼亚州立大学为学生提供体验式学习机会的重点是一致的. 他说,真正有价值的是创造现实世界的项目,让学生把他们在课堂上学到的东西付诸实践.

“弗吉尼亚州立大学和奥克弗诺基沼泽公园之间的战略联盟是对双方都有利的自然联系,” said Amy C艺术er, 他是乔治亚州经济发展部农村倡议的副专员. “Logistically, with only 70 miles between the two, I see great p艺术nerships being created, especially within the areas of science.  我期待着看到这些为改善这两个实体而进行的合作努力.”

奥克弗诺基国家野生动物保护区很高兴成为这一伙伴关系的一部分,并感谢奥克弗诺基沼泽公园愿意建立新的关系,教育公众关于奥克弗诺基沼泽的重要性,拉斯克说. “我们期待着与公园和大学合作,进一步向公众宣传北美最大的黑水沼泽的重要性."

“这种新的伙伴关系将带来新的资源以及教育和研究机会,这将继续使bet365亚洲官网和奥克弗诺基沼泽公园在地图上,” said State Senator Tyler Harper of District 7. “在南乔治亚岛继续推进历史的过程中,我感谢所有相关人员为实现这一目标所做的工作, 生态, and scientific and educational opportunities of the Okefenokee Swamp.”

拉斯克指出,他和他的团队正在努力将奥克弗诺基沼泽列为世界遗产. He said there are only 12 areas in the United States on that list, and having the Okefenokee Swamp become No. 13 will drive tourism to South Georgia “like nothing else.”

Tuesday’s signing ceremony was conducted virtually due to the global pandemic. Also attending and supporting the announcement were Commissioner Jason Shaw, with Georgia Public Service Commission District 1; State Senator Ellis Black of District 8; State Representative John Corbett of District 174; State Representative James Burchett of District 176; and State Representative Dominic LaRiccia of District 169.






